Diane Kidd Gallery: "Junkspace" - Paintings by Kelsey Scharf

Wednesday, March 13, 2019-
Thursday, April 4, 2019

Diane Kidd Art Gallery, Hayes Center, Tiffin University
Tiffin, OH

An opening reception will be held Wednesday, March 13 from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Light refreshments will be served, and the public is welcome.  

About the Artist

Kelsey Scharf is a painter, currently residing in Fremont, Ohio. She graduated from Bowling Green State University and earned a Masters in Studio Painting from the University of Georgia. She is currently an Adjunct Instructor at Owens Community College where she teaches Fundamentals of Drawing and 2-D Design. Her work has been included in numerous exhibitions nationally.

 “For years I have struggled to answer the question posed by my mother and several others,” Scharf said. “Why would you want to paint that when the Hayes house is right down the street?” I believe that Architect Rem Koolhaus would agree with that statement,” Scharf said. “I choose to depict areas that are considered downtrodden eyesores on neighboring communities and my work questions the value of these spaces.”

 Scharf’s paintings are representations of “lived-in” spaces that involve a mixture of surfaces and techniques. Her work ranges from oil on copper and watercolor to graphite and casein (casein is a fast-drying, water-soluble medium also known as milk paint).

 “For years, I have sought to capture the abandoned buildings that surrounded me,” Scharf said. “Oftentimes these buildings are demolished, virtually wiped from history as well as the lives they were once associated with. I am intrigued by the haunting records of those who once left their mark on these spaces. To me, the erosion and decay of these spaces mirror a slow decline of the working class. I believe that by documenting and spending time with these spaces, I most likely will become their final witness.”

 Scharf struggles with the question, “Do these spaces I refer to as junkspace serve as significant markers of history or are they a waste of time and resources?”

“Scharf’s depiction of lived in spaces and decay show each of us the beauty and history we walk past every day,” said Joseph Van Kerkhove, Gallery Director. “Her work seeks the value in everyday decay and depicts the passages of time.”

 For more information about this event or subject matter, email Gallery Director Joseph Van Kerkhove at vankerkhovejm@tiffin.edu

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