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Springville Marsh State Nature Preserve

 Visitors to Springville Marsh State Nature Preserve have a unique opportunity to observe and study the beauty of nature and to reflect on the past.

Three factors have had a marked effect on this resource. First, abundant groundwater, which has surfaced as many cool, calcium-rich springs, continues to nourish the special plant life found here.

Also, many Ice Age plant species and others that are newcomers, provide this preserve with a remarkable and diverse inventory of flowering plants.

Third, the uniqueness of the marsh has survived despite past agricultural and industrial disruption.

Springville Marsh is an unequaled nature preserve in northwestern Ohio. It is the largest inland wetland in this part of the state.

The preserve is notable for several reasons. Growing within the preserve are several Canadian and Atlantic coastal plain species, which became established here shortly after the Ice Age.

Some of these plants are threatened and endangered species in Ohio. Fen orchids, bottle gentian, Kalm’s lobelia and little yellow sedge can be seen along the boardwalk. One of Ohio’s largest populations of twig-rush, a typical Atlantic coastal plain species, is located throughout the preserve. There are also smaller areas of more northern plants, such as Ohio goldenrod, grass-of-Parnassus and shrubby cinquefoil. The sedge meadows, shrubby thickets and vast areas of cattail marsh provide excellent opportunities to observe wildlife.